Friday, 18 June 2010

Alex McCord Photos

Alex McCord photos are creating waves online. So what, I hear you say, well yes you see, they are nude pictures for a magazine,....leave you to guess which one.

These photos by an experienced professional photographer were taken when Alex McCord was pregnant and also after the birth of her baby

Apparently talking about the photos, Alex, a star of Real Housewives of New York City series said that they are meant to show that a new mum can still be in excellent shape.

Well said Alex. It's good to know that you are real.

No pressure then to other new mums...

So girls, if you are left feeling a little bit jealous, we are not all so lucky but we can make our own luck, can't we? Need help to be more sexy click here

Anyone out there that that suddenly caught it that you can make a good living with photography, you will need a good digital camera and maybe a course in Profitable Photography.This will take you through how to easily start up and market a profitable photography business even if you have no previous experience and you can start making around $700 per week part time with your camera selling photos.

Good thing is that there is no shortage of what or I dare say "who" to photograph.

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